* @class
* @classdesc Acts as an intermediate controller between [Workspace]{@link Syntree.Workspace} and elements of the tree.
Syntree.Page = function() {
var wWidth = $('#workspace').width();
var wHeight = $('#workspace').height();
* The <rect> which is the background of the page.
this.background = Syntree.snap.rect(
-1 * wWidth,
-1 * wHeight,
wWidth * 4,
wHeight * 4
* An SVG group of all elements on the page. Used for panning.
* @type {object}
* @see Syntree.Page#_enablePanning
this.group = Syntree.snap.g();
* All [Elements]{@link Syntree.Element} on the page, referenced by id.
* @type {object}
this.allElements = {};
* The currently selected [SelectableElement]{@link Syntree.SelectableElement}.
* @type {Syntree.SelectableElement}
this.selectedElement = undefined;
* Get the panning transform matrix.
* @returns {object} - deltax, deltay, and the global transform matrix
* @see Syntree.Page#_enablePanning
* @see Syntree.Page#pan
Syntree.Page.prototype.getTransform = function() {
var t = this.group.transform().globalMatrix;
var dx = t.e;
var dy = t.f;
return {
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
globalMatrix: t,
* Add an Element to the list of all elements.
* @param {Syntree.Element} element - the element to register
* @see Syntree.Page#allElements
Syntree.Page.prototype.register = function(element) {
element = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(element, element.isElement);
this.allElements[element.getId()] = element;
for (l in element.graphic.getAllEls()) {
var el = element.graphic.getAllEls()[l];
var el_obj = el.el_obj;
if (typeof el_obj.paper !== 'undefined') { // Ensure is a Snap Element
* Remove the specified Element from the list of all elements.
* @param {Syntree.Element} element - the element to deregister
* @see Syntree.Page#register
Syntree.Page.prototype.deregister = function(element) {
element = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(element, element.isElement);
delete this.allElements[element.getId()];
* Select the given Element. (And deselect the previous Element.)
* @param {Syntree.Element} element - the element to select
* @see Syntree.Page#selectedElement
Syntree.Page.prototype.select = function(element) {
element = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(element, element.isSelectable);
if (!Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.selectedElement, 'undefined')) {
this.selectedElement = element;
new Syntree.Action('select', {
selected_obj: element,
* Deselect the currently selected Element.
* @see Syntree.Page#select
Syntree.Page.prototype.deselect = function() {
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.selectedElement, this.selectedElement.isSelectable)) {
this.selectedElement = undefined;
* A wrapper function around Node.delete, allowing us to easily delete a whole subtree.
* @see Syntree.Element#delete
Syntree.Page.prototype.deleteTree = function(tree) {
tree = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(tree, ['tree', 'node']);
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(tree, 'node')) {
tree = new Syntree.Tree({
root: this.allElements[tree.id],
var treestring = tree.getTreestring();
var parent = tree.getRoot().getParent();
var index = parent.getChildren().indexOf(tree.getRoot());
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(parent, 'node')) {
temptree = new Syntree.Tree({
root: parent,
new Syntree.Action('delete', {
deleted_obj: tree,
treestring: treestring,
parent: parent,
index: index,
* Check if given Element is registered with Page.
* @param {Syntree.Element} element - the element to check
* @returns {boolean} - whether or not the element is registered
Syntree.Page.prototype.isRegistered = function(element) {
element = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(element, element.isElement);
return !Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.allElements[element.getId()], 'undefined');
* Accessor function for Page.selectedElement.
* @see Syntree.Page#selectedElement
Syntree.Page.prototype.getSelected = function() {
return this.selectedElement;
* Get all Elements, filtered by given type.
* @param {string} type - a string representing the Element type to filter by
* @returns {object} - all matching Elements, referenced by id
Syntree.Page.prototype.getElementsByType = function(type) {
type = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(type,'string');
var res = {};
for (id in this.allElements) {
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.allElements[id], type)) {
res[id] = this.allElements[id];
return res;
* Create a movement arrow from the selected [Node]{@link Syntree.Node} to the clicked [Node]{@link Syntree.Node}.
* @param {Syntree.Node} node - the node that was clicked
* @returns {Syntree.Arrow} - the new Arrow
Syntree.Page.prototype.createMovementArrow = function(node) {
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected(), 'node')) {
var a = new Syntree.Arrow({
fromNode: this.getSelected(),
toNode: node,
return a;
* Add a tree to the page.
* If you do not provide a parent [Node]{@link Syntree.Node}, the main tree will be replaced.
* @param {Syntree.Tree} [tree] - the Tree object to add.
* @param {Syntree.Node} [parent] - the Node to which the root of the Tree will be added
* @param {number} [index=0] - the index at which to add the root of Tree
Syntree.Page.prototype.addTree = function(tree,parent,index) {
tree = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(tree, 'tree', '#undefined');
parent = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(parent, 'node', '#undefined');
index = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(index, 'number', 0);
if (!Syntree.Lib.checkType(tree, 'tree')) {
// Default tree
var root = new Syntree.Node({
x: $('#workspace').width() / 2,
y: $('#toolbar').height() + 20,
labelContent: 'S',
this.tree = new Syntree.Tree({
// build_treestring: 'id:612|children:40,266|parent:undefined|labelContent:S|;id:40|children:undefined|parent:612|labelContent:Q|;id:266|children:460,170|parent:612|labelContent:Q|;id:460|children:911,884|parent:266|labelContent:Qlsfdksdfasdf|;id:911|children:undefined|parent:460|labelContent:Q|;id:884|children:undefined|parent:460|labelContent:Q|;id:170|children:undefined|parent:266|labelContent:Q|;',
// build_treestring: 'id:47|children:336,250|parent:undefined|labelContent:S|;id:336|children:570,175|parent:47|labelContent:Q|;id:570|children:838,146|parent:336|labelContent:O|;id:838|children:126,716|parent:570|labelContent:C|;id:126|children:538|parent:838|labelContent:E|;id:538|children:undefined|parent:126|labelContent:B|;id:716|children:undefined|parent:838|labelContent:X|;id:146|children:911,337|parent:570|labelContent:V|;id:911|children:undefined|parent:146|labelContent:G|;id:337|children:undefined|parent:146|labelContent:H|;id:175|children:883,866|parent:336|labelContent:A|;id:883|children:956,748|parent:175|labelContent:R|;id:956|children:undefined|parent:883|labelContent:S|;id:748|children:undefined|parent:883|labelContent:U|;id:866|children:391,578|parent:175|labelContent:T|;id:391|children:undefined|parent:866|labelContent:K|;id:578|children:undefined|parent:866|labelContent:N|;id:250|children:8,863|parent:47|labelContent:Z|;id:8|children:483,514|parent:250|labelContent:x|;id:483|children:109,271|parent:8|labelContent:Z|;id:109|children:undefined|parent:483|labelContent:Y|;id:271|children:undefined|parent:483|labelContent:I|;id:514|children:378,168|parent:8|labelContent:P|;id:378|children:undefined|parent:514|labelContent:B|;id:168|children:undefined|parent:514|labelContent:V|;id:863|children:564,746|parent:250|labelContent:L|;id:564|children:300,349|parent:863|labelContent:K|;id:300|children:undefined|parent:564|labelContent:J|;id:349|children:undefined|parent:564|labelContent:F|;id:746|children:766,805|parent:863|labelContent:M|;id:766|children:undefined|parent:746|labelContent:W|;id:805|children:undefined|parent:746|labelContent:Q|;',
// build_treestring: 'id:432|children:67,741|parent:undefined|labelContent:S|;id:67|children:undefined|parent:432|labelContent:Q|;id:741|children:578|parent:432|labelContent:Q|;id:578|children:737|parent:741|labelContent:Q|;id:737|children:0|parent:578|labelContent:Q|;id:0|children:61|parent:737|labelContent:Q|;id:61|children:134|parent:0|labelContent:Q|;id:134|children:undefined|parent:61|labelContent:[OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO]|;',
root: root,
} else {
if (!Syntree.Lib.checkType(parent, 'node')) {
this.tree = tree;
} else {
index = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(index, 'number', 0);
parent.addChild(tree.root, index);
var temp = new Syntree.Tree({
root: parent,
* Create a [Tree]{@link Syntree.Tree} from a treestring, and then add it to the page.
* If you do not provide a parent [Node]{@link Syntree.Node}, the main tree will be replaced.
* @param {Syntree.Tree} treestring - the treestring which the Tree will build from
* @param {Syntree.Node} [parent] - the Node to which the root of the Tree will be added
* @param {number} [index=0] - the index at which to add the root of Tree
Syntree.Page.prototype.openTree = function(treestring,parent,index) {
treestring = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(treestring, 'string');
parent = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(parent, 'node', '#undefined');
index = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(index, 'number', 0);
var newTree = new Syntree.Tree({
build_treestring: treestring,
* Get a string of SVG markup representing all marked objects on the page.
* @returns {string} - the SVG string
Syntree.Page.prototype.getSVGString = function() {
var selected = this.getSelected();
var bgsvg = this.background.node.outerHTML;
var elementssvg = '';
var elements = this.allElements;
for (id in elements) {
elementssvg += elements[id].graphic.getSVGString();
var style = '<style type="text/css">text{font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;}</style>';
var marker = $('marker')[0].outerHTML;
return style + marker + bgsvg + elementssvg;
* Get the Node nearest to the given coordinates or Element.
* @param {number|Syntree.Element} a - x coordinate or Element to search from
* @param {number} [b] - if a is a an x coordinate, the corresponding y coordinate
* @param {function} [condition] - function that must return true for a Node to be considered in the search
* @returns {object|boolean} - data object on success, false on failure
Syntree.Page.prototype.getNearestNode = function(a,b,condition) {
condition = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(condition, 'function', function(){return true;});
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(a, 'number')) {
var x = a;
var y = Syntree.Lib.checkType(b, 'number');
} else {
a = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(a, a.isElement);
var x = a.getPosition().x;
var y = a.getPosition().y;
var ignoreNode = a;
var allNodes = this.getElementsByType('node');
var nearestNode;
var leastDist = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (id in allNodes) {
var node = allNodes[id];
if (ignoreNode && node === ignoreNode) {
var pos = node.getPosition();
var distance = Syntree.Lib.distance({
x1: pos.x,
y1: pos.y,
x2: x,
y2: y,
if (distance < leastDist && condition(x, y, node)) {
leastDist = distance;
nearestNode = node;
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(nearestNode, 'node')) {
return {
node: nearestNode,
dist: leastDist,
deltaX: x - nearestNode.getPosition().x,
deltaY: y - nearestNode.getPosition().y,
} else {
return false;
* Select the node in the specified direction, or create a node there if one does not exist.
* @param {string} direction - 'left' or 'right'
* @param {boolean} [fcreate=false] - force create instead of navigate
* @see Syntree.Workspace._eventRight
* @see Syntree.Workspace._eventLeft
Syntree.Page.prototype.navigateHorizontal = function(direction, fcreate) {
direction = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(direction, 'string');
fcreate = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(fcreate, 'boolean', false);
if (direction === 'left') {
var left = true;
var right = false;
var n = 0;
} else if (direction === 'right') {
var right = true;
var left = false;
var n = 1;
} else {
if (!Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected(), 'node')) {
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected(), 'node') && Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected().getParent(), 'node')) {
var off = this.tree.getNodeOffset(this.tree.getRoot(), this.getSelected());
var rowNodes = this.tree.getNodesByOffset(off);
var selectedIndex = rowNodes.indexOf(this.getSelected());
var real = this.getSelected().getState('real');
if (right) {
if (selectedIndex === rowNodes.length - 1 || fcreate) {
if (real) {
var siblingIndex = this.getSelected().getParent().getChildren().indexOf(this.getSelected());
var newNode = new Syntree.Node({});
this.getSelected().getParent().addChild(newNode,siblingIndex + 1);
var tree = new Syntree.Tree({
} else {
} else {
this.select(rowNodes[selectedIndex + 1]);
} else {
if (selectedIndex === 0 || fcreate) {
if (real) {
var siblingIndex = this.getSelected().getParent().getChildren().indexOf(this.getSelected());
var newNode = new Syntree.Node({});
this.getSelected().getParent().addChild(newNode, siblingIndex);
var tree = new Syntree.Tree({
} else {
} else {
this.select(rowNodes[selectedIndex - 1]);
* Select the parent of the currently selected Node
Syntree.Page.prototype.navigateUp = function() {
if (!Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected(), 'node')) {
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected(), 'node') && Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected().getParent(), 'node')) {
* Select the most recently selected child of the currently selected node, or creates a child if one does not exist.
* Defaults to the left-most child if no most recently selected.
* @param {boolean} [fcreate=false] - force creation instead of navigation
Syntree.Page.prototype.navigateDown = function(fcreate) {
fcreate = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(fcreate, 'boolean', false);
if (!Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected(), 'node')) {
if (Syntree.Lib.checkType(this.getSelected(), 'node')) {
if (this.getSelected().getChildren().length > 0 && !fcreate) {
var possibleSelects = this.getSelected().getChildren();
var selectHistory = Syntree.History.getNodeSelects();
for (i = 0; i < selectHistory.length; i++) {
if (possibleSelects.indexOf(selectHistory[i].selected_obj) >= 0) {
} else if (this.getSelected().getState('real')) {
var newNode = new Syntree.Node({
x: 0,
y: 0,
labelContent: '',
var tree = new Syntree.Tree({
root: this.getSelected(),
* Execute an editing action on given Node.
* @param {string} type - 'init', 'update', 'toggle', 'save', 'cancel'
* @param {Syntree.Node} [node=Syntree.Page.selectedNode] - the node to target
* @param
Syntree.Page.prototype.nodeEditing = function(type, node) {
type = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(type, 'string');
node = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(node, 'node', this.getSelected());
node = Syntree.Lib.checkArg(node, 'node');
if (type === 'init') {
} else if (type === 'update') {
} else if (type === 'toggle') {
if (node.getState('editing')) {
} else {
} else if (type === 'save') {
if (node.getState('real')) {
var pre = node.beforeEditLabelContent;
var post = node.getLabelContent();
new Syntree.Action('save', {
node: node,
pre: pre,
post: post,
} else {
new Syntree.Action('create', {
created_obj: node,
if (this.getSelected().getParent()) {
var tree = new Syntree.Tree({
} else if (type === 'cancel') {
if (node.getState('editing')) {
if (!node.getState('real')) {
Syntree.Page.prototype.toString = function() {
return '[object Page]'
* Make custom handlers and attach them for panning functionality.
Syntree.Page.prototype._enablePanning = function() {
this._move = function(dx,dy) {
transform: this.data('origTransform') + (this.data('origTransform') ? 'T' : 't') + [dx, dy],
// This allows us to make page elements pan as well, but still make panning happen only on background click.
transform: this.data('origTransform') + (this.data('origTransform') ? 'T' : 't') + [dx, dy],
this.data('oldDX', dx);
this.data('oldDY', dy);
this._end = function(dx,dy) {
var t = Syntree.Workspace.page.getTransform();
var top = $('.editor_container').position().top;
var left = $('.editor_container').position().left;
'top': t.dy + 'px',
'left': t.dx + 'px',
this._start = function() {
this.data('origTransform', this.transform().local);
this.background.drag(this._move, this._start, this._end);